SurveyAR will partner with Prof Allen at the University of Manchester on their project - Mobile Observations and quantification of Methane Emissions to inform National Targeting, Upscaling and Mitigation (MOMENTUM). This £1M project is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council and led by Royal Holloway University London and University of Manchester, in partnership with the National Physical Laboratory and the Environmental Defense Fund. This 3-year project will conduct mobile and UAV surveys to quantify methane emissions from specific sectors and UK infrastructure which remain uncertain the UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory. SurveyAR will assist with UAV survey design to help University of Manchester quantify emissions from data measured by their onboard Los Gatos Research Hoverguard laser spectrometer. We are excited to contribute toward this important project, which will help the UK assess its trajectory toward Net Zero by identifying and minimizing GHG emissions.